Right now I would like to go over the Save Your Home Arizona program through the Arizona Department of Housing. It is a really interesting program and they allow up to $15,000 to either assist with making mortgage payments, assist you with completing a short sale, providing money to pay off subordinate liens as part of a short sale; there are all kinds of neat little things that make up this program. We actually don’t have enough time in a short video such as this to go over all of the things that the program can actually do for people but if you are interested in what the Arizona Department of Housing can do and you also want to complete a short sale, please know that we work hand in hand with them all the time to assist our clients in completing short sales. Before you go through some lengthy application process or try to accomplish this all on your own, know that if you come to us for help we can actually walk you and guide you through all of that. You don’t need to try and determine if you qualify for the program or try and get it all done on your own; we have a lot of experience with it and want you to utilize the knowledge and information that we have to share with you.
if you’re considering a short sale or you’ve been looking at the Save Your Home Arizona program through the Arizona Department of Housing remember that we are here to help you and provide you with assistance. You can either pick up the phone and give us a call or fill out the request form on our website and we’ll be in touch with you soon. It really can be a beneficial program so get in touch with us today.