Make Sure Your Tucson Real Estate Agent Has Your Best Interest In Mind
For homeowners that are struggling to make their mortgage payments, or are already late, it is important to know all of your options for avoiding foreclosure. Finding a Tucson real estate agent with your best interest in mind, and not a paycheck, is the first step in avoiding foreclosure and selling your property. Make sure […]
Does Your Tucson Real Estate Agent Have The Resources To Help You Analyze Your Situation?
Do you want to know whether or not your home is underwater or if you have equity in it as well as what your property value is? Are you looking for a tool that can help you determine if a short sale is the best option for you? You should know that there’s on Tucson […]
Tucson Real Estate Agent Can Help Homeowners Avoid Tax Consequences Of Short Sale
Homeowners that are concerned about the potential tax consequences of a short sale have a great opportunity available that is almost gone. Thanks to the Mortgage Debt Relief Forgiveness Act homeowners can complete a short sale while also avoiding the taxes that result from the sale. Contact your Tucson real estate agent today to learn […]