You Can Complete A Short Sale With An IRS Tax Lien
Right now I would like to talk to you about IRS liens and short sales. We help people who have IRS liens complete short sales all the time. It could be that you have a mortgage, your property is underwater and there are also IRS tax liens on the property. We get short sales with […]
Tucson Real Estate Agent Can Help Homeowners Avoid Tax Consequences Of Short Sale
Homeowners that are concerned about the potential tax consequences of a short sale have a great opportunity available that is almost gone. Thanks to the Mortgage Debt Relief Forgiveness Act homeowners can complete a short sale while also avoiding the taxes that result from the sale. Contact your Tucson real estate agent today to learn […]
Tucson real estate agents Want You To Take Advantage Of MFDRA
Has your Tucson real estate agent told you about the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and how it can save you money in the future? If you’re just beginning the short sale process with your Tucson real estate agent, they may not have explained that part to you yet but it’s important that they do; […]